woensdag 1 juni 2011

Lyske re painting the table tops

Herr professor Andre Klein is capturing the build-up for future generations

lyske is working on the drawing wall

Firts stand pre-preview

the drawing wall
Her professor Andre Klein, toasting with his students on great ideas

preparing the tables

DMY 2011 buildup

donderdag 10 februari 2011

Works on the wall

Ulrike Rehm

Jie Sun

Arthur de Vries

Marijke Neppelenbroek

Mirela Srsa

it's about the details

Jennifer de Jonge

the SI Module stand

Participants information
Work of Kees Klaasen en Matthias Dolder
Marc Barreda and Lyske Gias de Bildt
Lida Krul, Sayaka Abe and Jennifer de Jonge
DianaBand and Anna Brecht Veenstra

Checking the Optimist Glasses

Marc Barreda

DIANAband with Paper Piano!

Opening Wednesday 9th February

woensdag 9 februari 2011

buurman & buurvrouw